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Funkce PHP nl_langinfo().

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Definice a použití

Funkce nl_langinfo() vrací specifické místní informace.

Poznámka: Tato funkce nefunguje na platformách Windows.

Tip: Na rozdíl od funkce localeconv() , která vrací všechny informace o místním formátování, funkce nl_langinfo() vrací konkrétní informace.



Hodnoty parametrů

Parameter Description
element Required. Specifies which element to return. Must be one of the following elements:

Time and Calendar:

  • ABDAY_(1-7) - Abbreviated name of the numbered day of the week
  • DAY_(1-7) - Name of the numbered day of the week (DAY_1 = Sunday)
  • ABMON_(1-12) - Abbreviated name of the numbered month of the year
  • MON_(1-12) - Name of the numbered month of the year
  • AM_STR - String for Ante meridian
  • PM_STR - String for Post meridian
  • D_T_FMT - String that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time and date
  • D_FMT - String that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent date
  • T_FMT - String that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time
  • T_FMT_AMPM - String that can be used as the format string for strftime() to represent time in 12-hour format with ante/post meridian
  • ERA - Alternate era
  • ERA_YEAR - Year in alternate era format
  • ERA_D_T_FMT - Date and time in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime())
  • ERA_D_FMT - Date in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime())
  • ERA_T_FMT - Time in alternate era format (string can be used in strftime())

Monetary Category:

  • INT_CURR_SYMBOL - Currency symbol (example: USD)
  • CURRENCY_SYMBOL - Currency symbol (example: $)
  • MON_DECIMAL_POINT - Monetary decimal point character
  • MON_THOUSANDS_SEP - Monetary thousands separator
  • POSITIVE_SIGN - Positive value character
  • NEGATIVE_SIGN -Negative value character
  • MON_GROUPING - Array displaying how monetary numbers are grouped (example: 1 000 000)
  • INT_FRAC_DIGITS - International fractional digits
  • FRAC_DIGITS - Local fractional digits
  • P_CS_PRECEDES - True (1) if currency symbol is placed in front of a positive value, False (0) if it is placed behind
  • P_SEP_BY_SPACE - True (1) if there is a spaces between the currency symbol and a positive value, False (0) otherwise
  • N_CS_PRECEDES - True (1) if currency symbol is placed in front of a negative value, False (0) if it is placed behind
  • N_SEP_BY_SPACE - True (1) if there is a spaces between the currency symbol and a negative value, False (0) otherwise
  • P_SIGN_POSN - Formatting setting. Possible return values:
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency symbol
    • 1 - The sign string is placed in front of the quantity and currency symbol
    • 2 - The sign string is placed after the quantity and currency symbol
    • 3 - The sign string is placed immediately in front of the currency symbol
    • 4 - The sign string is placed immediately after the currency symbol
  • N_SIGN_POSN - Formatting setting. Possible return values:
    • 0 - Parentheses surround the quantity and currency symbol
    • 1 - The sign string is placed in front of the quantity and currency symbol
    • 2 - The sign string is placed after the quantity and currency symbol
    • 3 - The sign string is placed immediately in front of the currency symbol
    • 4 - The sign string is placed immediately after the currency symbol

Numeric Category:

  • DECIMAL_POINT - Decimal point character
  • THOUSANDS_SEP - Separator character for thousands
  • GROUPING - Array displaying how numbers are grouped (example: 1 000 000)

Messaging Category:

  • YESEXPR - Regex string for matching 'yes' input
  • NOEXPR - Regex string for matching 'no' input
  • YESSTR - Output string for 'yes'
  • NOSTR - Output string for 'no'

Code set Category:

  • CODESET Return a string with the name of the character encoding.

Technické údaje

Návratová hodnota: Vrátí konkrétní informaci o úspěchu nebo FALSE o neúspěchu.
Verze PHP: 4.1.0+

❮ Odkaz na řetězec PHP