Vlastnost zvukových stop HTML Audio/Video DOM

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference


Získejte počet dostupných zvukových stop:

var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");

Definice a použití

Vlastnost audioTracks vrací objekt AudioTrackList.

Objekt AudioTrackList představuje dostupné zvukové stopy pro zvuk/video.

Každá dostupná zvuková stopa je reprezentována objektem AudioTrack.

Podpora prohlížeče

audioTracks Not supported 11 Not supported Not supported Not supported



Návratová hodnota

Type Description
AudioTrackList Object Represents the available audio tracks for the audio/video.

AudioTrackList Object:

  • audioTracks.length - get the number of audio tracks available
  • audioTracks.getTrackById(id) - get AudioTrack object by id
  • audioTracks[index] - get AudioTrack object by index

Note: The first available AudioTrack object is index 0

AudioTrack Object Represents an audio track.

AudioTrack Object Properties:

  • id - get the id of the audio track
  • kind - get the type of the audio track (can be: "alternative", "description", "main", "translation", "commentary", or "" (empty string)) 
  • label - get the label of the audio track
  • language - get the language of the audio track
  • enabled - get or set if the track is active (true|false)

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference