Modul Node.js Readline

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Otevřete soubor a vraťte obsah řádek po řádku:

var readline = require('readline');
var fs = require('fs');

var myInterface = readline.createInterface({
  input: fs.createReadStream('demofile1.html')

var lineno = 0;
myInterface.on('line', function (line) {
  console.log('Line number ' + lineno + ': ' + line);

Definice a použití

Modul Readline poskytuje způsob čtení datového toku, jeden řádek po druhém.


Syntaxe pro zahrnutí modulu Readline do vaší aplikace:

var readline = require('readline');

Vlastnosti a metody Readline

Method Description
clearLine() Clears the current line of the specified stream
clearScreenDown() Clears the specified stream from the current cursor down position
createInterface() Creates an Interface object
cursorTo() Moves the cursor to the specified position
emitKeypressEvents() Fires keypress events for the specified stream
moveCursor() Moves the cursor to a new position, relative to the current position

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