Objekt složky ASP

Objekt Folder se používá k vrácení informací o zadané složce.

Objekt složky

Objekt Folder se používá k vrácení informací o zadané složce.

Chcete-li pracovat s vlastnostmi a metodami objektu Folder, budete muset vytvořit instanci objektu Folder prostřednictvím objektu FileSystemObject. Za prvé; vytvořte objekt FileSystemObject a potom vytvořte instanci objektu Folder pomocí metody GetFolder objektu FileSystemObject.

Následující kód používá metodu GetFolder objektu FileSystemObject k vytvoření instance objektu Folder a vlastnost DateCreated k vrácení data, kdy byla zadaná složka vytvořena:

Dim fs,fo
Set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo=fs.GetFolder("c:\test")
Response.Write("Folder created: " & fo.DateCreated)
set fo=nothing
set fs=nothing


Folder created: 10/22/2008 10:01:19 AM

Kolekce, vlastnosti a metody objektu Folder jsou popsány níže:


Collection Description
Files Returns a collection of all the files in a specified folder
SubFolders Returns a collection of all subfolders in a specified folder


Property Description
Attributes Sets or returns the attributes of a specified folder
DateCreated Returns the date and time when a specified folder was created
DateLastAccessed Returns the date and time when a specified folder was last accessed
DateLastModified Returns the date and time when a specified folder was last modified
Drive Returns the drive letter of the drive where the specified folder resides
IsRootFolder Returns true if a folder is the root folder and false if not
Name Sets or returns the name of a specified folder
ParentFolder Returns the parent folder of a specified folder
Path Returns the path for a specified folder
ShortName Returns the short name of a specified folder (the 8.3 naming convention)
ShortPath Returns the short path of a specified folder (the 8.3 naming convention)
Size Returns the size of a specified folder
Type Returns the type of a specified folder


Method Description
Copy Copies a specified folder from one location to another
Delete Deletes a specified folder
Move Moves a specified folder from one location to another
CreateTextFile Creates a new text file in the specified folder and returns a TextStream object to access the file