Metoda ASP CopyFile

❮ Kompletní reference objektu FileSystemObject

Metoda CopyFile zkopíruje jeden nebo více souborů z jednoho umístění do druhého.


FileSystemObject.CopyFile source,destination[,overwrite]

Parameter Description
source Required. The file or files to copy (wildcards can be used}
destination Required. Where to copy the file or files (wildcards cannot be used}
overwrite Optional. A Boolean value that specifies whether an existing file can be overwritten. True allows existing files to be overwritten and False prevents existing files from being overwritten. Default is True


dim fs
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile "c:\mydocuments\web\*.htm","c:\webpages\"
set fs=nothing

❮ Kompletní reference objektu FileSystemObject