Metoda zrušení ADO

❮ Dokončete referenci objektu streamu

Metoda Cancel zruší provedení volání metody.

Metoda Cancel zruší různé úlohy pro každý objekt. Níže uvedená tabulka ukazuje, jaká úloha je zrušena při volání této metody:

Object Cancelled task
Command Execute.

Note: The Options parameter of the Execute method must be set to adAsyncExecute or adAsyncFetch, before the Cancel method is called, otherwise a run-time error will occur

Connection Execute or Open.

Note: The Options parameter of the Open method must be set to adSyncConnect, or the Options parameter of the Execute method be set to adAsyncExecute or adAsyncFetch, before the Cancel method is called, otherwise a run-time error will occur

Record CopyRecord, DeleteRecord, MoveRecord, or Open

Note: The Options parameter of the Execute method must be set to adAsyncExecute or adAsyncFetch, before the Cancel method is called, otherwise a run-time error will occur

Recordset Open
Stream Open



❮ Dokončete referenci objektu streamu